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Secondary Transition

We will be updating this page with transition documents sent from secondary schools in order to support our children with transition to their new schools. We will be doing everything we can to support the children with transition so that they have a smooth move to their new school. We will continue with our weekly phone calls to children not in school so that we can discuss any questions or worries they have about transition and we will be having lots of conversations with secondary schools so that they have all the relevant information about your child. If parents have any particular questions about transition, please contact us and we will do everything we can to help.  

Here are some documents to support with transition from West Park School: 

A Guide for Parents of Children in Year 6

"Hello" from Mrs Jill Hodgshon
Welcome to Year 7 West Park
Who am I Booklet


Here are some packs of activities for you to try if you will be going to West Park in September. The activities are not compulsory.
Here are the Staff Contact email addresses for each subject area so you can send work or pictures of work for some feedback from West Park teachers in response to these initial tasks.  Before emailing, please check with your parent/carers.
Humanities - Summer Challenge

 First Pack  


Drama Activity


English Poetry Comprehension

English Using Amazing Adjectives


French Greeting


Legionnaire's Shield

Motte & Bailey Castles

Roman Gods & Goddesses

Roman Mosaic

The Roman Empire


Derbyshire School Games  Football

Derbyshire School Games  Netball


Flower Dissection

Making an Indicator 

Second Pack


Art Activity 

Design and Technology

Engineering Challenges 


English Challenge Tasks 

Adventure Themed Booklet
Planning a Story
SPAG and Literacy Booklet 
Make a Map
Information and Communications Technology
ICT Tasks 
Maths Puzzles
Maths Puzzles Extra
Introduction to Athletics
Introduction to Cricket


Lees Brook School have set up a dedicated section on their school website for transition:
Lees Brook Year 6 Transition 2020
This web page will be updated weekly by Lees Brook to give Year 6 learners and families something to do to prepare them for life at Lees Brook as much as possible.