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Headteacher's Welcome

On behalf of all the pupils, staff and governors, I would like to welcome you to the Springfield Primary School website.

The school benefits from innovative, inspirational staff, supportive parents and children who display an excellent attitude to learning.

Everyone involved at Springfield works very hard to make the school a happy and safe place for the children to flourish and grow. We aim to provide our children with the skills that they will need to reach their full potential. We believe in traditional values but we are always aware that we are preparing the children for today and tomorrow. Our emphasis is on teaching children how to improve their own learning and developing skills to live harmoniously with others.

The primary phase of education is one of the most important in a child's learning journey and at the centre of their future development. It is a time when we aim to nurture in children, a lifelong love of learning. In leading children on this journey, we pride ourselves on making the route fun and, exciting. We are very proud of all our children and staff. We always offer prospective families a warm welcome. If you would like to visit the school or have any questions or queries please contact either myself or Mrs C.Goodwin. We are always all here to help.

A very warm welcome to