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Enhanced Resource Facility

Springfield’s Enhanced Resource Facility provides specialised provision for children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition.

The ERF’s highly tailored curriculum allows children to develop their strengths, confidence and relationships through a wide range of engaging activities. Classes in the ERF are small, with a high number of teaching assistants to support learning and development of play and social skills. There are quiet areas, individual learning spaces and a sensory room, allowing children to develop positive attitudes to school and learning.

Our skilled team of teachers and teaching assistants ensure that each child’s timetable is carefully designed to meet individual needs, providing rich opportunities for children to achieve. Children with an Enhanced Resource place belong to one of the ERF’s three classes as well as being a member of one of the school’s mainstream classes, meaning that they have the opportunity to access all the facilities and provision available within the mainstream school and the Enhanced Resource Facility.

Children in the ERF have access to an adapted version of the mainstream curriculum and in addition to this, there are sessions that focus on communication and language, social skills and life skills. The children are in small groups for English and Maths, with learning carefully targeted to meet the needs of each child, in order to help them succeed.

Our secure building and outdoor area provide a safe and nurturing environment; in addition to this, our children also benefit from the fantastic outdoor facilities of the main school and develop their independence and life skills through visits to the local community.

Places in Springfield’s ERF are allocated by the Derby City Local Authority and all children with an Enhanced Resource place have an Education Health Care Plan or Statement of Special Educational Needs.